June 15, 2018

But...yes!! We all have seen those little curious round shaped vegetables around. Great something different! But wait a minute, what can we do with it?
As a part of a stew or a soup, but did you think that it could be awesome just by itself? Here some recipes to try out! Don't forget to give us your feedback!

Turnip and Parmesan Creamy Soup

Serves 4


  •  2 medium turnips sliced
  • 1 onion sliced
  • 500mL of milk or almond milk or soy milk
  • 125g of Parmesan or vegan Parmesan or a tbsp per serve of nutritional yeast
  • 250mL of chicken stock or vegetable stock
  • 50mL olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • a pinch of nutmeg


Into a large pot, warm up the oil, add the onion and turnips, cook it until softened but not colored. Add the stock and cook it for 15 min on low heat. 
Mix it with a sticky blender into a very thick cream. Add the milk and the Parmesan step by step. To finish add the nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.

Kumara and Turnip Patties

Serves 6


500g of turnips grated
500g of kumara grated
1 branch of celery very finely chopped
2 garlic cloves crushed
100g of coconut oil or butter
salt and pepper


Mix all the ingredients together except the oil/butter. In a large pan, warm up the oil, with a tablespoon put a small amount of the mix in the pan and push it down to make your patties. Cook 7 min each side. Put them on tray and keep them warm in the oven 70c until served. 

The turnip can also be fried like potato chips in thin slices or caramelised with some 5 spices mix, two other simple ways to prep it! :-)  
